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Claire now has a selection of 45 minute talks. Her normal fee for local venues is £60, though concessions are made for local charities. Longer distances or large groups are normally charged a flat rate of £100 which includes expenses. Any profits are donated to local charities or community groups. If you would like to book Claire for an event or as a speaker for your club contact her. You can view her bookings diary here.

Claire's Talks

Retiring With Rhyme

In this (Claire’s most popular talk) Claire describes how she transformed herself from headteacher to performance poet and shares some of her most popular and mostly amusing poems.


The Publishing Journey

Have you ever wondered if you could become a best-selling author?

For most writers the reality of publishing is far removed from fame and fortune, but nevertheless a rewarding experience.

In this talk Claire describes the highs and lows of her life as a writer and performance poet, and the options which are open to writers for getting work published.


I Care

This is Claire’s newest talk in which she unpacks her life as an unpaid carer for her husband. Whilst the subject matter is serious, there are plenty of light-hearted anecdotes and some amusing poetry included.


Does it Have to Rhyme?

A promotion of rhyme in poetry and why Claire believes it is making a come-back. In this talk Claire shares excerpts from her own rhyming poetry, both serious and light-hearted, alongside the work of other poets.


Simply Christmas

A selection of amusing Christmas songs and poetry which Claire has written for the festive season with some opportunities for audience participation.


My Daughter’s Wedding

In this talk, Claire brings to life her second novel, whilst reflecting on the massive commercial activity which now surrounds the wedding industry. This talk requires the use of a power point projector with some additional props available for audience participation!


Remembering Lockdown

How did we spend lockdown? Do we really remember what happened and have we retained the lessons we learned?

In this talk Claire reflects with humour on the lockdown in 2020, the lessons we learned and the people we lost. She shares some of the poetry she wrote at that time including ‘We Heard the Birds Sing’.


Retiring With Rhyme (Follow Up)

More poetry and chat about Claire’s life and writing 

"We all loved having you Claire! After you had left there was still a buzz with everyone singing your praises. THANK YOU for a very special evening. It's so good that you are willing to share your gifts and talents!"


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