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My Home Town
Above is the famous bandstand from outside the iconic De La Warr Pavilion in my home town of Bexhill on Sea. Bexhill and the wider local area are used as a setting for much of my poetry and both my novels. With grateful thanks to local photographer Sharon Webster for allowing me to use her pictures in my books and on my websites.

My Story
"I have always enjoyed writing.
After a brief time as a civil servant, I qualified as a primary school teacher and was later promoted to be the Advisory Teacher for English for the whole of East Sussex. Four headships followed, by which time I had been teaching for over 30 years. I left headship in 2008, and became a freelance education consultant, university tutor and school inspector. I finally retired from working in education in 2014. My husband Chris has had Type 1 Diabetes for most of his adult life. His eye sight was deteriorating, and I wanted to spend more time with him. During the afternoons when my husband was resting I began to write humorous verse, which quickly gained in popularity. Now in my late 60s, I have very regular bookings as a speaker/performer, sharing my poetry and telling our story. Sadly Chris has now been diagnosed with dementia and Parkinsons so is often unable to accompany me, and we donate some of the fees to local charities or community groups.
I finished my second full length novel 'My Daughter's wedding' in 2019, and it was published in July that year with great reviews."
Claire Baldry updated June 2024
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